Our chemotherapy solutions keep healthcare workers safe and help them to administer care to patients with confidence.
Protecting pharmacists and nurses at risk of exposure to cytotoxic and hazardous drugs.
Protecting patients from risk of exposure to cytotoxic and hazardous drugs during administration.
During the drug transfer process; pharmacists use the ProSeal Injector and Injection Site to transfer the drug into the final container.
Needleless connectors do not provide the same features and performance in comparison to ProSeal™ Injector.
It seals the contents of the syringe and opens a fluid path only when the assembly is connected to a ProSeal™ CSTD component. The contents are never exposed and there is no residue after administration.
It also functions as a distal connector of an infusion source like an IV Line from any Infusion Pump, SMARTeZ Pump or Gravity Bags and connects easily to a patient's access site with a click instead of screw thread rotations.
ProSeal™ Injection Sites are designed to fit any standard Luer connection. Together with ProSeal™ Injector any access site will remain dry after each administration or withdrawal access up to 10 times.
ProSeal's Vial Adaptor (ToxiSeal) plays a vital role in chemotherapy administration by equalizing pressure differentials within vials.
Unlike most vial adaptors, the air that compensates for the vacuum in the vial during fluid withdrawal is gamma - sterile and enters the vial from a prefilled expandable chamber.
There is no longer the need to draw air from the environment to achieve pressure equalization.
Pharmacists rely on ToxiSeal (Vial Adaptor) to safely puncture vials, and extract chemotherapy drugs, ensuring precise and secure handling throughout the process.
This Chemo Pump is unique as it combines the Proseal's exposure safe elements with a reputable SMARTeZ®Chemo Pump.
The vented patient end cap allows instantaneous priming, enabling utmost efficiency in high filling workload. The ProSeal components ensure that the Pump is completely closed when delivered to the patient with no residues (Dry Connection) on the injection sites.
Connecting to the patient access site is easy with the Proseal Injector as there is no screwing of Luer connectors. Disengagement after infusion leaves dry contamination free surfaces.
Final container: This is where drugs are stored before being administered to the patient.
Nurses connect the final container to the patient using the ProSeal Administration Set, ensuring the safety of both pharmacists and nurses throughout the drug lifecycle.